Release Notes - Version 7

Here is the list of changes and fixes in Plagiarism Checker X.

StatusRelease DateVersionNotes
  • improved

2021-07-137.0.10Reports load time reduced
This version improves reports generation process. Reports are now generated and load faster than before.
  • fixed

2021-07-137.0.10Dashboard Report now Immediately Accessible
Issues of 'report does not exist' with the Dashboard report have been fixed. Now, as soon as the plagiarism scan is done (without having to click on 'view report' on the plagiarism summary screen) the dashboard report is ready and available.
  • improved

2021-07-137.0.10Bulk comparison performance improvements.
  • new

2021-07-137.0.10Additional Online Report Details
Plagiarism reports in Online Plagiarism now come with additional details for a better User experience. Users can now view the Online Plagiarism reports with additional details like the document name, version, and Word Match Length.
  • fixed

2021-06-037.0.9URLs Importing Issue Resolved
Some website domain formats were facing issues when trying to load them to check for plagiarism which have now been resolved in the new release. You can check for plagiarism online with full optimum performance.
  • improved

2021-06-037.0.9Content search service is improved with the ability to detect the similarity score with higher efficiency than before.
  • new

2021-05-187.0.8Extended word document compatibility
The new release comes with increased compatibility. The program will use the device's Word software to provide extended compatibility with a hybrid (native module + device software) Word compatibility system.
  • improved

2021-04-297.0.7Minor Performance and Security Improvements.
  • improved

2021-04-157.0.6Bulk Comparison Spreadsheet Reports Improved
The spreadsheet downloadable report became easier to use. The document title column and row stay frozen as you scroll right-left or up-down when there are numerous documents. Also, the report has a brief summary of documents and words scanned.
  • new

2021-04-157.0.6Synchronous Scrolling in the Side by Side Comparison View
Users can now do their text comparison more seamlessly. The target text scrolls synchronously when the source text is scrolled through and vice versa. With this update, viewing and removing plagiarism is easier in the Side by Side feature.
  • improved

2021-04-157.0.6Side by Side Comparison Exported Reports Improved
The text compare feature, Side by Side comparison, now exports its plagiarism reports with the exact same view as seen in the software report view. The side by side highlighted text now retains its layout when the report is downloaded.
  • new

2021-04-157.0.6Right-to-left Languages
Language barriers are a thing of the past. Users can now enjoy all the plagiarism checking features with Word Document support in popular right-to-left language scripts such as Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Hebrew, or Yiddish.
  • new

2021-04-157.0.6Added Security with Protected Plagiarism Reports
There is now an added layer of protection in the plagiarism reports for business license holders. The plagiarism reports can be secured through password protection which can either restrict access or document editing rights.
  • new

2021-04-157.0.6Group Format For Bulk Comparison Reports
Business license holders now have the added option of viewing their bulk comparison resorts in the group format. With this feature, the overall similarity of one document can be seen against all the other documents in the group.
  • improved

2021-02-027.0.5Critical update for content similarity check service.
  • fixed

2021-01-287.0.4A recent outage to the plagiarism search service has been resolved.
  • new

2020-12-187.0.3Web Similarity Check Selection Option
There is now an additional option when scanning a web page in the Online Plagiarism feature. A user can choose the 'Internal' option to exclude the entered page or 'External' option to exclude the entire domain (.com) of the URL to better avoid unnecessary self-plagiarism or matches within their own website.
  • fixed

2020-12-187.0.3Swap Added Items
The swap button for in the Group Comparison option is now all fixed and ready to go. You can quickly swap between your source and target URLs.
  • new

2020-12-187.0.3Enabled Preview Icon in Bulk Comparison Report
Insight preview for Bulk Comparison results similarity reports with zoom (+) icon on hover. You can now view a detailed side by side similarity report between any two documents from the Bulk Comparison similarity results. Just hover over where the two documents or urls intersect on the report and click to view the detailed similarity with highlights text between them.
  • improved

2020-12-187.0.3Full length URLs
You asked and we delivered. Users can now view the full and exact URL by hovering the cursor (mouse) over the matched sources in the Online Plagiarism and bulk comparison reports.
  • improved

2020-12-187.0.3Dashboard with Counter and Simpler Timestamps
No need to figure whether the month comes first or the date to check when you scanned something. A user-friendly word-based time format has taken over. Just go to the dashboard to see if the scan was 5 hours ago, 30 minutes ago, yesterday or on Dec 15, 2020.
  • improved

2020-12-187.0.3Word Match Length
Users can now toggle through to change the 'Word Match Length' in the settings. Instead of highlighting the current number and annually typing, up and down arrows on its side will change the match length to the desired value.
  • improved

2020-12-187.0.3Improved readability
Documents with long names in the Bulk Comparison reports are now shortened with an ellipsis (...) at the end to improve readability. Its full name can be seen by hovering your cursor (mouse) over it.
  • improved

2020-08-247.0.1Stability improvements
Minor fixes to major version 7.0.0 update to improve the overall user experience to provide seamless performance.
  • improved

2020-08-247.0.1Automatically exclude URL from search when checking webpage
When scanning a webpage for plagiarism in any feature, its URL is automatically added to the 'Exclude sites from search' list. This way the URL being scanned does not get detected in the search and users don't get an unintentional match for self-plagiarism.
  • new

2020-07-317.0.0Deep Search Technology re-Enabled
Deep Search technology was reintroduced after having championed and coined the term in the first few releases. With Deep Search general similarity matches from search engines are revalidated by analysing the minutest bits of data so that report is as accurate as ever.
  • new

2020-07-307.0.0Compatibility Support to More Than 20+ Languages
Language is no longer a hurdle. The software can now detect, scan and read major 20+ languages that users may use on a regular basis such as Hindi, Russian, Mandarin, Japanese. However, the software itself is fully available in 7 languages including English, Spanish, French, Dutch, German, Portuguese and Italian.
  • new

2020-07-307.0.0A Brand New User Interface
A major change that brought in an overhaul of the user-interface and thematic design. The new calmingly efficient blue palette offers a more visually appealing user-experience. Also, the revamped user-interface presents no hoops to jump through and makes checking plagiarism simple, easy and effective.
  • new

2020-07-307.0.0Built-in MS-Word Support
Users do not need to have the Microsoft Office Suite installed on their device to load documents or view reports in MS Word formats. It is now fully supported in-house through the software to ensure zero compatibility problems.
  • improved

2020-07-307.0.0Search Accuracy Improved by 26%
The use of Deep Search technology revalidates and confirms potential plagiarism whether or not it is a true match. That way the highlighted plagiarism report is much more accurate.
  • improved

2020-07-307.0.0Performance Accelerated by 2x
Introduction of the Rapid Action complex and advanced algorithm allows the software to increase its search speed exponentially during the scan. This new update of the core search algorithm gives double the speed to users.
  • new

2020-07-307.0.0Cross-Comparison Fully Formatted Excel (.XLSX) Reports
With the addition of the .XLSX support feature, users can now export and view their highlighted Cross-Comparison reports exactly how it appears in the software. There are no changes to its layout and view due to the added functionality of .XLSX format.
  • new

2020-07-307.0.0New Dashboard
The updated dashboard neatly categorises past scans and their reports, with an overall summary too, in an easy to view and understand manner so you get a better user-interface and experience. All reports and scans can be quickly accessed from a central location with timing information, similarity scores, and words scanned for your record keeping needs.
  • new

2020-07-307.0.0New File-Formats Support .DOT, .DOTX, .DOTM, .DOCM
Across the board format compatibility is crucial. Users can now load documents in even more MS word formats because you should not have to worry about what type of document you have.
  • new

2020-07-307.0.0Rich Reports
The new color-graded and highlighted plagiarism reports have a more user-friendly and visually appealing layout. Each detected source text and link is given its own color so it is simpler for you to view and analyse each one. Plagiarism from five different sources would mean that the report would have five different colour highlights.
  • new

2020-07-307.0.0User Feedback Option
Users can now provide feedback straight from the software. There is a drop-down list with topics ranging from performance and user-interface to bugs and suggestions so that there is no barrier in communication.

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