Release Notes - Version 4

Here is the list of changes and fixes in Plagiarism Checker X.

StatusRelease DateVersionNotes
  • improved

2015-12-234.0.14Internet sources in Word report
Users can now view the source links in the exported Word report so that the user experience can be improved.
  • new

2014-12-234.0.14Default theme colours
From the settings menu the default colours for the software can now be customised according to the users liking.
  • fixed

2014-12-194.0.14DOC/DOCX import problems while running documents
Importing a DOC/DOCX document would cause problems if the same file was open elsewhere. Not anymore because the new update has fixed that issue. Users can now load documents for scanning and also have it open elsewhere.
  • new

2014-12-074.0.14Status column for loaded documents in bulk comparison
Now you won't be left in the dark. A column on the right indicates if the document has been loaded when loading it into Bulk Comparison.
  • new

2014-12-074.0.14Individual plagiarism scores per source
In addition to an overall similarity score, this update also provides individualized plagiarism scores against each detected source like a match specific plagiarism ratio.
  • new

2014-10-104.0.13Reports for Side by Side Comparison
In addition to seeing the similar text between two documents highlighted, users can also export it as a similarity report.
  • new

2014-09-104.0.13Mega menu
From this menu users can adjust and change the match limit for words in addition to other settings as well.
  • new

2014-08-164.0.12Full-screen mode
Clear away distractions! With this update you can use the full screen fitting for the software.
  • improved

2014-05-304.0.11Auto option to flip search engines
Before checking for Online Plagiarism, the automatic search engine flip option has been added and improved so that the user gets the best plagiarism results.
  • new

2014-05-304.0.11Exportable highlighted reports in MS Word
Highlighted plagiarism reports can now be exported with increased compatibility through the MS Word format.
  • new

2014-05-064.0.10Local database and cache system
A local database and cache system have been introduced so that the documents can load faster, take less time, and provide a more efficient experience.
  • improved

2014-04-224.0.9Exact word highlights in HTML reports. Instead of flagging an entire paragraph, this update highlights the exact words in the HTML report. This way only the most accurate plagiarism match is provided.
  • new

2014-04-174.0.9Backup scanned document reports
There is now a backup of scanned document reports for the user to review and monitor later. No need to worry about losing what was scanned last week or scan the same document again to see its result.
  • new

2014-04-114.0.8Multilingual compatibility
Big news! More and more languages have been added with full compatibility to make the software multilingual. It now functions with German, French, Italian, Dutch and Portuguese.
  • improved

2014-04-114.0.8Ignored special characters for accuracy
Accuracy is the way to go and this new update ignores special characters like colons and semicolons that may be used to get away with plagiarism.
  • new

2014-04-104.0.7Worldwide trusted publisher certificate
Trust is always crucial. Plagiarism Checker X now comes with a worldwide trusted publisher certificate to ensure trust in its operation and download. This has provided transparency and protects against unwarranted changes to software files.
  • new

2014-03-204.0.7Fresh UI and revised layout
A few tweaks to the UI is always a good idea. This update has come with a fresh layout and related minor revisions.
  • new

2014-03-174.0.7Customisable colours for Side by Side comparison
No need to stick with the default colors for highlighted text in Side by Side comparison. There is now an option to choose between different ones to customize it as desired.
  • fixed

2014-03-174.0.6Varying results with search engine flipping
A discrepancy in the similarity score between different search engine scans was fixed so that users only get correct and accurate plagiarism scores.
  • fixed

2014-03-174.0.6Pie chart summary irregularity
The quick plagiarism summary would show up with the irregular graph but not anymore. No one likes inaccurate results so it has been fixed and back to its accurate reporting.
  • new

2014-03-174.0.6Monthly packages
Wanting more options in payments? Well, monthly subscription options have now been added so users can opt for wherever suits them best.
  • fixed

2014-03-154.0.6PDF import crashes
A minor issue while importing a PDF for scanning would cause issues and disturb the process has now been fixed and they can be imported and scanned for plagiarism with ease.
  • improved

2014-02-054.0.5Online plagiarism paragraphs
Using the paragraph option in Online plagiarism was acting up and causing problems. However, it's been dealt with and the paragraph option is back to speed.
  • improved

2014-01-284.0.4Updates user manual
The user manual was feeling a little incomplete so minor adjustments and additions were made to bring it up to date.
  • fixed

2014-01-144.0.3Save settings bug
Users were having trouble saving the setting changes but it has now been resolved and the settings can be adjusted as per liking without any issues.
  • improved

2014-01-144.0.3Spanish translation
Spanish compatibility was a little lacking so an improvement was made for it to fully and accurately detect the language.
  • improved

2014-01-144.0.3One to many (file selector) section
The process and experience of selecting files in the One to Many option has been improved so the users can seamlessly check a single document against a whole list of others.
  • fixed

2014-01-084.0.3Runtime error
A minor error was resolved dealing with the website and blog.
  • fixed

2014-01-064.0.2Reporting graph percentage problem
The quick summary and its pie chart percentage would show a faulty number which has been fixed to ensure accurate reporting.
  • improved

2014-01-044.0.2Keyword Analyzer color adjustment
Users can now view different colors for the occurrence and density ratio of keywords in order to better analyse them and in different brackets of how much they were used.
  • improved

2014-01-044.0.2Mouse pointer on languages button
Now you can simply hover over the languages and with the cursor pick which one you want.
  • new

2014-01-034.0.1Spanish language addition
Make way for a new language addition. Plagiarism Checker X is now fully compatible with Spanish. Languages should never be a barrier.
  • fixed

2014-01-034.0.1Paragraph segment error
Searching for paragraph similarity has been fixed. Before, using the separate paragraphs option in Online Plagiarism would show an error when it would find zero results.
  • improved

2013-12-194.0.0Progress bar
No need to wait in the dark. The progress bar functionality has been improved to indicate how much longer the scan will take.
  • new

2013-12-194.0.0Fresh layout - 2014 edition
A fresh new edition includes a fresh layout and theme. This major design update provides a much smoother and cleaner user experience. Don't wait, check it out and explore.

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