Free AI Content Detector
Detect AI-generated content from ChatGPT and Gemini with our free AI detector.
Never use the AI detection score alone when making decisions about students.
of text is likely AI-generated
Unlimited free AI checks
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Confidentiality guaranteed
Plagiarism CheckerX’s AI Detector
We offers fast, accurate, and multilingual plagiarism detection, ensuring your content remains original and authentic.
AI-Powered Detection
Plagiarism Checker X uses advanced AI Detector to accurately detect AI plagiarism, ensuring a high level of precision in identifying generated content.
No Signup / No Storage
Our free AI Checker does not require any signup, nor does it require us to store your data. Everything is done in real-time without sacrificing your privacy.
Fast and Efficient Analysis
Whether you're checking lengthy research papers or business documents, you’ll get reliable results in a fraction of the time, allowing you to focus on revisions and content improvement.
Unlimited AI Checks
We offer unlimited free AI detections of up to 1,000 words per scan, allowing everyone to enjoy this freemium tool and easily detect AI-generated text without any obligations.
AI Detectors vs. Plagiarism Checkers
Both AI detectors and plagiarism checkers serve the purpose of verifying a text's originality and authenticity.
AI Detector
AI detectors aim to identify text that is generated by AI writing tools, such as ChatGPT, Copilot, Gemini. They achieve this by analyzing distinctive features of the text, including sentence structure, length, vocabulary choices, and overall predictability.
Plagiarism Checker
Plagiarism Checker apps focus on identifying text been copied from other sources by comparing it against a vast database of web pages, news articles, and academic journals. They detect similarities in the content rather than analyzing specific text characteristics.
Used by Leading Institutes
The speed, accuracy, and easy user interface has made customers satisfied and loyal.
Lifetime access for a one-time cost
Upgrade to Professional/Business version for higher accuracy, better performance and more advanced features at a very small one time cost.
Your questions, answered
In short, AI-generated content and plagiarized content are completely different things. If you wish to check for both (plagiarism and AI-generated content), you may download our Plagiarism Checker X app.