Turnitin Plagiarism Checker Alternative
It is the best suited product for everyone from individuals and professionals to businesses and institutions. It doesn’t matter if you are a student, teacher, writer, or publisher, Plagiarism Checker X will be your best alternative to Turnitin and never stores your data in our database. Our motto is is, your data is always yours.
Turnitin is a commonly known program. However, it has gaps and lacks in key aspects that a software of its kind should be excelling at. Speed, accuracy, and accessibility are foundational cornerstones of Plagiarism Checker X. Whereas, Turnitin Plagiarism Checker has and still faces issues in these variables of performance and access. If someone has used it previously, they’d know. If not, research by academics reached the same conclusions of Turnitin either providing false matches or missing unoriginal content in submissions to begin with. This research was primarily the work of Dr. Susan “George” Schorn in late 2010’s and more recently strengthened through an article by Carl Straumsheim.Nevertheless, one hopes and waits for improvements but for now let’s go with an alternative that already strives to and is better; Plagiarism Checker X. Use it from your device wherever you are to get accurate and fast results along with highlighted plagiarism reports without any hurdles of accessibility.
Always Accessible
Unlike Turnitin, Plagiarism Checker X can be used by anyone because it is not limited to institutions. Individuals can opt for the free or paid versions and institutions have the option of purchasing lifetime licenses with multiple user access. Overall accessibility is our driving force, so you can scan URLs, web pages, and all the popular file formats. Face no restrictions of what kind of file you can submit for a content similarity check with Plagiarism Checker X.Your Data is Safe and In Your Hands
Data privacy should be everyone's concern and a comprehensive privacy policy that can actually be understood and read without a legal dictionary is crucial. Read ours. Your copyrights remain with you and your work is not uploaded to a repository for it to be put in danger of data theft and intellectual property violations. A big contrast to the well-known big players of the plagiarism game.Enjoy Speed, Accuracy, and Everything Nice
The new version takes speed and accuracy to another level through AI enabled Deep Learning and advanced rapid action algorithms. Yes, that’s correct. It means you get results, accurate results, within minutes if not seconds and a highlighted Word/PDF report without the need of a teacher to grant you access to it. The latest version of Plagiarism Checker X is also built with a user-interface that is simple to understand and easy to use. Result? A smooth user-experience. There is no need for long and drawn out onboarding sessions for staff or having students sit down and get a course on how to use the software.Take Back Control and Quickly Access Reports
Why should anyone but the original author have the right whether or not to store a piece of work on some public database? No one else should. Free Plagiarism Checker X never stores, sells or shares your data to begin with. Also, why should anyone be able to restrict access to a plagiarism report for a piece of writing you wrote or why should you have to wait for a day to get it? With Plagiarism Checker X the direct user always has access to the work they scanned and its plagiarism report in a properly organised dashboard for quick and easy access.Experience Affordability Unlike Any Other
You will find no pay-per-scan technicalities or limits when you purchase the Professional or Business lifetime license. For institutions and individuals, once you have bought the license you can check for plagiarism as many times as you want without thinking about exceeding your limit or having to pay extra. Going for the free version? You can still check up to a full length essay, 3200 words, everyday forever. There is no hidden limited days trial. You can now avoid and detect plagiarism without breaking your personal banks or educational budgets as a school, college, university or business.Used by Leading Institutes
We value our users experiences. The speed, accuracy, and ease of our user interface have led to satisfied and loyal customers.
Your Data is Safe In your Device
"As a user, you are not required to upload your assignments and contents into our database; instead, the files remain with you. This feature makes Plagiarism Checker X totally different from rest of service providers in the market. So, Hurry Up! Grab a copy here!".