The academic environment is most prominently seen in the area of research, regardless of which subject the research report or research paper is focusing on. In these environments, academic honesty is highly important and the same goes for earlier education levels. We can achieve this through the integration of AI technology as you’ll see here. First, though, let’s refresh our understanding of research and academics itself.
Research is an investigation or study of the material facts regarding a specific topic aimed at increasing the knowledge and exposure of the specific topic. All of this is achieved from the overall research process. Research is typically used to conduct further investigation or necessary study which is important to fill the research gaps that may exist in a subject area.
Research is done for many purposes but one of the most important ones is to apply the basic research process to solve a problem of the specific topic in hand such as a research gap, research prompt, etc.
What happens is that research gets plagued with plagiarism due to a multitude of reasons that shall be covered in other blogs, so keep a lookout. With plagiarism, the research environment gets rotten with dishonesty. To clear up any confusion, Plagiarism is basically an illegal and ethically wrongful act in which one person steals another author’s ideas, expression, words or publication and presents it as if it was their own work.
There are consequences for this such as if there is plagiarism in student writing or in professional spaces, they may have to pay a fine or suffer other penalties.
As a result, everyone must learn how to avoid plagiarism. One of the best ways to do that, when using another person’s work, present their name as a citation to show the original author. The other way to avoid plagiarism and work towards getting rid of academic dishonesty in research and academics is to use a plagiarism detector wherever there is any form of academic writing. A shining feature that a plagiarism tool like Plagiarism Checker X has is the incorporation of technology which makes plagiarism detection better and it points to the direction that incorporation of such technology in more areas can only be beneficial.
Speaking of technology, it has improved so many things over the past years that the list is too long to count. With each passing day it also gets incorporated into even more parts of our life, especially at earlier stages. Using educational videos to teach kids in school, digital skills being used for college preparation, and many others are few examples of how introducing technology at younger ages can be beneficial. Academic honesty is also an area that needs to see that early exposure as it is a vital part of copyrights and intellectual property.
Originality is valued at all stages of education and marked in most. Early introduction of smart technology driven programs, applications and software can create a substantial impact factor on the concepts and attitudes of young students as well as lay the grounds to fix plagiarism at an earlier level. Meaning that integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) aided systems in modes of learning and assessment can be a positive influence factor in developing attitudinal changes and improving educational outcomes.
That is one of the main goals of any education institution no matter what grade level it teaches. Some schools have already adopted such measures and others should do the same. In particular, using AI enabled software can be of great benefit on early levels of education.
The advantages of technological integration in education and learning have demonstrated positive results in the past such as better preparation for the post education environment and even in cross disciplinary contexts. For instance, the implementation of AI Deep Learning technology has proven to simplify processes in legal professions and provide immense potential for the advancement of the education sector.
Unfortunately, plagiarism software in educational institutions is normally introduced at tertiary levels when the window for creating attitudinal impact has significantly decreased. Students in tertiary levels of education have already formed substantial parts of their personality and may only follow academic conduct policy out of fear of the consequences. When the fear factor is removed so will the principle of intellectual integrity.
Another reason to adopt this strategy is the penalty that is associated with the consequences of plagiarism and repercussions for academic dishonesty. Consider some of the following penalties for academic dishonesty:
That is why you should never risk your grades and use Plagiarism Checker X for analyzing duplicate content in your work.
Those students that from their core consider plagiarism and academic dishonesty to be an immoral act, in contrast to those who do not, would have a much easier transition when they start their colleges and universities. This gap can be filled and fixed by integrating smart plagiarism checking technology in early class levels when the students’ academic values and attitudes are being formed.
Teaching methods, content and assessment practices are increasingly taking on a digital aspect and students themselves are capable of and comfortable with online and digital work. Online and digital submission of their work in class levels as early as grade 5 would ingrain the message that work cannot be copied from somewhere else and that it will be checked through innovative software. Cases of plagiarized content can be detected through smart, effective and accurate ways through AI enabled Deep Search technology that can be found in Plagiarism Checker X.
The most common form of plagiarism in early school levels is copying stuff from Wikipedia or from friends in class. Both of those can be addressed through Plagiarism Checker X. Using the Online Plagiarism feature will check student work against not just Wikipedia but 16+ billion web pages. Also, due to the use of smart AI enabled Deep Search technology by the software, all matches are re-validated to make sure that teachers get accurate results.
In-class plagiarism and cheating can be solved through the Bulk Comparison feature where teachers can load digital copies of student work and check them against each other in seconds. One, the teachers save time and two, doing so establishes a practice that cheating or plagiarism in any grade level is unacceptable.
On university levels, the use of plagiarism checking software already has improved the ability to detect and eradicate cases of academic dishonesty. When introduced in lower grade levels, it will also create, nurture and foster a culture of academic honesty instead of simply enforcing academic conduct policies. Getting introduced and then accustomed to smart plagiarism checking technology can instill behavioral and attitudinal values of academic honesty.
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