Previously we have seen the past of Search Engines. Search Engines may seem ubiquitous to us now but they weren’t always there. Currently their presence and integration into every aspect of our lives is so common that their names have become verbs in the English language.
Here’s a little recap. In 1996, two dweebs, Sergey Brin and Larry Page started a project to create a search engine, which was initially called BackRub and later on it was renamed to Google. Earlier to Google, a search engine named Archie and many others like the Search Engine Yahoo! were also created back in the 1990’s. However, today, Google is the top rated search engine with the largest market share when it comes to user usage of search engines worldwide. So much so that its name is a verb: ‘Hey, could you google when Shakespeare wrote his famous sonnets?’
SEO is another acronym that many people are aware of but not all so let’s cover it before we talk about anything else. SEO is the shortened form of Search Engine Optimization and the primary focus of SEO content writing, general SEO writing, and Search Engine Marketing (A.K.A SEO marketing).
As per the SEO definition, it is when someone tries various techniques and methods to improve website traffic by increasing the quality as well as the quantity of said traffic via changes in the content there. This content could be of any type such as web copy, alt text, images etc.
Differently said and depending on the enterprise or organization, SEO optimization is used to increase traffic for the sake of increasing sales, market share, revenue, profit etc.
As a general formula, sites that appear higher up in the results will get more traffic to their pages, and so potentially more business. Businesses try to do this and achieve their SEO ranking goals through using SEO keywords and SEO tools. Normally an SEO specialist is employed for said purposes or websites provide SEO training to content writers to increase their Search Engine ranking.
The main aim is to get one’s web page on top 10 rankings of search engine results when someone types in a query or keywords, but whether that is feasible largely depends on the market that you are operating in. If you’re offering a niche product or a service in a defined geographical area, you stand a pretty good chance of at least getting to page one if you are patient and follow the basic principles of Search Engine Optimization.
Search Engine Optimization looks forward to improving a website’s search ranking and thereby helping search engines to select those rated sites, which will match peoples search request most of all. It is an essential part of website based businesses, companies, organizations and many of them do so in good faith and with well intentions. However, still, you’ll likely come across a good number of cases when SEO is used to trick Search Engines. This is done through making mass amounts of not-so-unique content just to get a high SEO ranking without doing much about the quality of the content that is present in those web pages.
The question is why lots and lots of SEO specialists choose to plagiarize, make not-so-unique content, and generate duplicate content when it is not the only way to live on? Is a lack of care, the want of shortcuts, the liking for a quick buck. Why is it that there are many cases of a lack of willingness to create original content backed up by SEO training and SEO tools? This ‘why’ will be answered next in the coming blogs because it deserves a more detailed review and its space for elaboration.
Till then, stay Tuned for more and keep using Plagiarism Checker X to check for duplicate content on your web pages.