Easy ways to get rid of Plagiarism or Copied Content!

copying content erodes originality

What do you know about research? To begin with, research is, as per the research definition, conducted to gain knowledge or uncover facts about a certain issue, problem or topic in a systematic way. Think of the definition of research as a structured and constructed investigation. Research helps us to solicit information through already established knowledge which is being available to us from a variety of ways. Meaning that there are a lot of research types both in student writing and academic research. They’ll be the subject of another piece but as a brief trailer, some research types and methods include primary research, secondary research, quantitative research, and qualitative research. With research comes plagiarism as well and at the moment the focus is on what shape it takes, what are its types and how it can be avoided in academic writing so your student life is filled with academic honesty and no plagiarism.

Plagiarism in Research

As far as plagiarism is concerned, it occurs when we find out and solicit information and ideas from different sources and try to present such information and ideas in our name rather than giving credit to the person who first provided and presented it. Specifically said, the unauthorized  use of language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as your own is the plagiarism definition.

It can be also defined and thought of as the presenting of someone else’s work as your own without referencing that original source. If you think about it, Plagiarism means to commit literary theft on top of academic fraud. It is a crime as it is subject to and similar to stealing intellectual property belonging to someone else.

Common methods of Plagiarism & How to Avoid it in Research

methods to avoid plagiarism

There is a whole variety of plagiarism methods and plagiarism types that you can find yourself involved with and knowing them can help to avoid them as well. Here are a few to get you started:

Methods of plagiarism

  • Paraphrasing plagiarism

This mostly occurs when source information is paraphrased but a citation is forgotten or the writer is intentionally trying to pass off the information as their own.

  • Copy paste plagiarism

Copy paste plagiarism is one of the most common ones among students where the last minute urge to finish the essay may result in copying someone else’s work.

  • Translation plagiarism

People think that translating work from another language and using it is okay but it falls under translation plagiarism and is a serious offense.

  • Artistic plagiarism

Plagiarism is not just an issue in the writing environment, it is a scourge in the creative arts community as well where ideas and techniques may be stolen of other artists.

  • Code plagiarism

The software space and coding is not left behind as well. Plagiarism in coding is a possibility as well and does happen quite often.

  • No proper use of quotation mark

Improper quotes and citations fall under accidental plagiarism  and unintentional plagiarism and happen mostly out of oversight. 

getting rid of plagiarism

All these plagiarism types happen very frequently and with them bring severe consequences of plagiarism. This makes it really important to avoid plagiarism and all the consequences of plagiarism as well. It can be avoided following different ways.

  1. One way to avoid plagiarism is done by applying a certain technique like paraphrasing, which is the information we gained from a certain source, can be used by presenting it in our own words without exactly copying it and while fully and properly citing the original author. It is rephrasing the text that reflects the meaning of the original text but with the unique expression of the writer.
  2. Second way is citing which is done to avoid plagiarism. The information we solicit from a certain source can be presented by acknowledging the source in a proper way, meaning giving credit to the original source where the information was taken from.
  3. Third way to avoid plagiarism is quoting, using the source exactly as it is in inverted commas by way of quotations that are accompanied with in text citation and full length citation.
  4. Fourth way to avoid plagiarism is referencing, which is done by including a reference page in which author’s name , publishing date, title and source is mentioned along with other necessary details depending on the source type.
  5. The fifth method is to use a plagiarism detector to check for plagiarism in your papers before submission so any cases of academic dishonesty can be edited and removed in order for better grades. You can work towards better grades and academic honesty with Plagiarism checker X



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