Match Limit is the number of consecutive words software compares on each side (source and target). If the words matching limit is set to “3”, software will compare every “3” consecutive words against matched results found on the internet (in case of online plagiarism detection section). This way the similarity percentage is generated and the amount of plagiarism is evaluated.
The ideal words matching limit is in between 3-5 and this range is used as the standard.
If you lower down the words-match-limit, software would compare every single word of loaded content individually against the potential matched sources (Internet, documents, URLs) which of course can invalidate the results of the plagiarism as there could be many common phrases existing online already resulting in false plagiarism with high similarity. SIMILARLY, if you increase the limit to more than 5, there is a high possibility that software won’t be able to catch similarity until unless it finds the exactly identical phrase(s).
To change the words match limit, you need to go to the software settings page and click on the general settings tab. You will see the textbox with a number in it under General Preferences. Just change it as per your requirement using the arrow buttons on the sides of the text box and it will be saved automatically.
If you are using the classic version (6.0.12 or lower) of the application, you can change the matching limit i.e. the number of consecutive words scanned within a sentence for duplication, by clicking on the “” icon, located on the top right corner of the application window.
This will open up the following window:
Here click on the “+” button to increase the matching limit, or click on the “-” button to decrease the matching limit.
Note: By default, the matching limit is set at 3.
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